Tea & Scones anyone!

Summer Meet ups in Aboyne & Tarland

Trip to His Majesty's Theatre

Over the Easter weekend we took some of our Aboyne Social Space members to the theatre  in Aberdeen to see Cirque - The Greatest Show. The feedback was great everybody loved the circus performers and the singing. We had good seats which made it exciting especially with the acrobats, jugglers and flame throwers! Pokes of sweets and icecream added to the occasion and a fantastic afternoon was had by all.  We hope to organise more events like this where our member choose where and what they want to see.

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Aboyne Academy - Hospitality

We were invited in 22 March to come for lunch at the Home Economics dept at Aboyne Academy so that pupils who do hosptiality courses could practice. The provided us with a wonderful 3 course lunch including mocktails which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Here at Young At Heart Deeside we love doing intergenerational work and this is a perfect example of how this works in our communities.

Spring Fling - 19th April

On Friday 19th April we had a wonderful afternoon in The MacRobert Hall in Tarland. Our first ever Spring Fling  packed the hall and our guests, all local older people, enjoyed aftenoon tea, quiz, bingo and raffle. We were joined by our three senior pupil helpers from Aboyne Academy at our Aboyne Social Space who are all going off to university at the end of the summer. These young people have come very Friday to our Aboyne Social Space to chat, serve tea and have fun! We are looking for new seniors to joing us this year. If you would like to help out during free periods at school please email us [email protected]

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Ranger Talk

In March we had a very well attended talk in Aboyne Library from the Marr Area Ranger from Aberdeenshire Council who did a fascinating talk on the beautiful moths and butterflies we see in Deeside. The photographs were amazing. Finished off with coffee and cake of course!

Exercise classes at Tarland Social Space

Over the last few colder  months we have been delighted to have fitness instructor Ruth with us at our Tarland Social Space which is held every Monday 10-12 at the brillaint Cromar Court in Tarland. Ruth has been running seated exercise classes for our regular social space members. These have been great fun with lots of singing. we hope to start these up again in early autumn.

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Christmas Cheer 2023

Thanks to some funding  from The MacRobert Trust  we were able to deliver our Christmas Cheer goody bags to residents in Aboyne , Dinnet, Tarland and Logie Coldstone areas. We had some great help from Aboyne Academy pupils and some volunteers from the community. Our bags have been very well received and we had lots of lovely door step chats with folk. Each bag was carefully packed with christmas treats, useful aids and things to look forward to in the New Year.  Here is a selection of the many photos we took.

Christmas Lunch at World Horse Welfare at Belwade Farm

We had a wonderful lunch at World Horse Welfare in the middle of December with memebrs from both our Tarland and Aboyne Social Spaces enjoying a fantastic meal. Looking at these photos everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


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❤️🎅🏻Christmas Cheer 2023 coming soon! For the last 4 years we have hand delivered over 1000 care bundles to older people in Aboyne, Dinnet, Tarland and Logie Coldstone areas🎅🏻❤️

Christmas Cheer 2023

❤️ We are delighted to tell you that we are launching our Christmas Cheer 2023 campaign. Last year we hand delivered 350 care bundles  to some of our most vulnerable people in our communities. The wee bundles this year will include Christmas gifts, as well as practical presents. We love doing this each year and we know they make a difference it makes, especially to  older people on their own.

In order for it to be its usual success we need your help. If you know of someone in Tarland, Logie Coldtone, Dinnet or Aboyne areas please drop us an email at [email protected] with their name and address or pop it in one of our special postboxes in local shops, and we will do the rest. T h a n k y o u ❤️

Autumn/Winter Author Talks

We are delighted to have two local authors coming back to talk to us this Autumn/Winter. Both talks will be in Aboyne Library from 4-6 pm. Simon Welfare is talking on Thursday 23 November about his book The Resurrection Days- On The Trail of Aberdeenshire's Bodysnatchers and Suzie Edge will be talking about her new book Vital Organs date to be confirmed. Two fascinating books by two very engaging authors. There will be light refreshments before each talk and a chance to talk to the authors and grab a signed copy of their books. To book your space please email [email protected] now!

A Right Royal Deeside Outing

Thanks to funding from The MacRobert Trust we had a wonderful day out to Balmoral and Braemar on 20th July. We had a bus load and several cars that spent a lovely day nosing round Balmoral Castle inside and out then tea with scones with jam and clotted cream before heading up to The Braemar Highland Games Centre to explore the Museum and then lunch. The weather managed to stay dry right up until we got back on the bus. 

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Social Space

We have lots of fun in our Social Spaces at Aboyne Library and Cromar Court in Tarland. Aboyne Social Space starts up again on Fridays starting with 25th August after the school holidays and Tarland Social Space continues through the summer at Cromar Court in Tarland on Mondays. Both Social Spaces run 10-12 .

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Social Space

We do many different activities with our members during Social Space including quizzes, games, singing and even VR!

Not so Silent Disco!

We had a one off very special event recently in Aboyne Library . One of our very valued volunteers  from Aboyne Academy who has been helping at our Aboyne Warm Space, was celebrating their 18th Birthday during our session so we decided to through a wee party with a silent disco thrown in. Lots of fun was had by everyone!

Social Space launching in Tarland and Aboyne. We are delighted to announce that we loved doing Warm Space so much that we are carrying on with Social Space starting on April 3rd in Tarland and 21st April in Aboyne. You told us you didn't want the sessions to stop and we have listened to you. Both sessions are from 10-12 noon in the same venues:- Cromar Court in Tarland on Mondays and Aboyne Library on Fridays. If you haven't been, give it a try, you won't regret it, we promise!

Tarland Warm Space

We are delighted to announce that we are opening up a new Warm Space in Tarland starting Monday 9th Janaury 2023. This will take place in the cosy Day Room at Cromar Court in Tarland every Monday and Thursday from 10-12noon up until the end of March 2023. Pop along for a cuppa and a blether, read the papers, meet up with old and new friends. You will be sure of a very warm welcome. Special thanks to Castlehill Houisng Association and The MacRobert Trust.

The Day we met His Majesty Charles III- Thursday 12th January 2023

Thursday 12th January 2023 will stay with us here at Young At Heart Deeside for some time. At Aboyne & Mid Deeside Community shed we met His Majesty the King. We were invited to attend with other organisations who work with vulnerable people to meet the King. Aileen and Hayley spent several minutes chatting with him, explaining what we do and showing him how we do it. He was very interested and informed and put us at our ease immediately. We presented him with a copy of 'Modren Makars' a Scots Poetry book published by Tarland based Poerty Press, Tapsalteerie. He seemed delighted with it. Official Photo credits to Bob Thorp

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Wee Bundle of Christmas Cheer 2022

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Wee Bundle of Christmas Cheer Campaign 2022

We are delighted to announce that our Wee Bundle of Christmas Cheer Campaign will be running again this year. we have been very lucky in receiving funding from the AVA Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund to enable us to hand deliver over 300 goody bags to older people in Aboyne and Tarland. Preparation is well underway and we are delighted that our friends at Aboyne Academy will help us deliver these. for more information contact [email protected]

Warm Space Aboyne

We are delighted to be working with Aboyne Academy and Live Life Aberdeenshire running a twice weekly Warm Space in Aboyne Library. On Tuesdays and Fridays 11.15 - 1pm anyone can pop along for a chat, hot drinks and soup, play a board game, do some knitting or just relax and read some papers. You will be sure of a very warm welcome.

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We are delighted to announce that we have arranged a free 'Clay Day' with Aboyne Artist in Residence, Stephanie Vandem.  Monday 31st October. This day will run 10-3 with lunch thrown in, at the Aboyne & Mid Deeside Community Shed. We are limited to 12 spaces so please email [email protected] to reserve your place. No previous experience needed, come along and have some fun!

Aboyne Farmers Market this Saturday 14th June

We are back and we cant wait to see you. We have lots planned over the next few months and we want to share it all with you. To kick it off, and to celebrate Aberdeenshire Wellbeing Festival, we will be at the Aboyne Farmers Market on Saturday 14th May along with lots of wonderful stall holders. Come and sign up for some free activities, drop in for a chat, tell us what you've missed and pick up a few treats. You can't miss us in our red gazebo, flags and hoodies. We are there from 10-2 pm. Tell your friends and spread the word!

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in receiving funding from the AVA Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. This grant wil allow us to start with community engagment now that restrictions are easing.  We hope to hold safely, events and activities again as the lighter nights and warmer weather arrives. Date for your diary we will have a stall at the Aboyne Farmers market on Saturday 14th May from 10-2 on Aboyne Green. Pop along and  say hello to Aileen and Hayley. We want to know what you think and want?

Wee Bundles of Christmas Cheer 2021

During December 2021 we were delighted to hand deliver over 300 Wee Bundles of Christmas Cheer to care homes, sheltered housing residents and local residents in the villages of Aboyne and Tarland. We had wonderful support from many local businesses including The Corner House Aboyne, The Paper Shop Tarland, Tarland Toyshop and Post Office, The Seed Box Ltd and Tapsalteerie who helped provide us with goodie to fill our bags. with the help of Aboyne Academy pupils we had a lovely time hand delivering them and stopping for doorstep news with folk. This is the second year we have done this and who knows who we will be delivering to next Year! Thank you to everyone for all the lovely thank you notes and messages we are delighted you like them.


Here is a date for your diary young@heart deeside members. In the Victory Hall in Aboyne on Thursday 17th January between 11-2 we are holding a New Year New You -  taster session event where you will be able to try oout new activities on our themes of Active lifestyle, Third age learning and Creative Arts. We will have specialists in each of these areas on the day. This event is free to members (which includes lunch) but spaces will be limited . You can book by emailing us at [email protected] 

We are asking people to pre book three taster sessions which are Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and E-Bikes (electric Bikes) These particular sessions are for smaller numbers and makes it easier for us to manage on the day. Dont worry there are plenty other taster sessions available including guided walks, feel good creative activities  exercise and movement and more on the day.  All sessions are carried out but specialists in their fields. 

In April we held three focus in Aboyne Ballater and Braemar to find out what you wanted in your area. These were great fun and there was a lot of lively discussion. We asked you several questions including "What are you currently involved in your community? What are the gaps in your community? What are the barriers in  your community? If money was no option what would you like to see? and What would you like to see happen next?" This information  has been collated and will be shared here and with members shortly. Some of it is surprising some of its not! What was very interesting were the common themes between the three communities.



We were very lucky to have talented local artist Mel Shand with us to capture the essence of the focus groups. Mel spent time with us in Ballater and Braemar and used quotes from all three focus groups to capture the events. The end result is a very vibrant and exciting drawing. Can you spot yourself in it or one of your quotes? If you would like to see the picture in the flesh it will be in Aboyne Library until the 6th July .


We are in the process of putting together a discount scheme across the three areas which we hope will allow youngatheartdeeside members discounts and rewards in local businesses and organisations in our area.  Those of you that attended the focus groups and signed up for free membership received a temporary card. New cards are currently being printed and will be with you shortly.


We recently had to say thank and good bye to Fiona Robertson Aboyne Network Librarian who retires at the end of the month. Fiona is a very familiar face in our community and has been involved with us since the beginning. But don't worry we are still keeping her in the loop.

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